A film that follows this narrative structure means that the events happen in chronological order.
A film that follows this narrative structure means that the film may have flashbacks and the events will not be happening in chronological order.
Tvetzan Todorov: Equilibrium
Todorov's theory was the equilibrium narrative which is a film which follows order disorder order. So when everything is fine then something which disturbs the peace that the characters were living in is destroyed then the problem is solved.
Classic Hollywood Cinema
These narratives are driven by the characters no matter what genre. The characters must have closure and have no loose ends by the end of the film.
Roland Barthes: Semiotic Codes
Semiology is the study of signs. Signs consist of a signifier (a word, an image, a sound, and so on) and its meaning – the signifier
Vladimir Propp
There are seven different characters to make a narrative: there is a villain who disturbs the equilibrium, hero which creates equilibrium, the donor, the helper helps the hero create equilibrium again, princess, the fake hero who pretends to be good.