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Hi! I'm Tahera 

   My name is Tahera Alawi, I'm half British and half Bahraini. 



The reason  I chose Media Studies as one of my A-levels as it linked both of my other A-levels together (Art and Design Technology). It also seemed interesting as I never took it at GCSE. Media Studies let's me as a teenager understand what types of other media there is in the world other than social media.

What I Like

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Statement Of Intentions 

Media Studies Foundation Portfolio

For my Media Studies Foundation Portfolio I am going to create a 2 minute opening sequence to a thriller/drama film.


I am interested in the thriller/drama genre as it allows me to have a lot of flexibility as we are wanting to do 2 genres combined. I am also interested in the way that the audience can suddenly assume something may happen, however I want to switch that up a bit by either having a female lead character or jump scares when least expected. Another appeal is that thriller can be achieved on a relatively low budget and without expensive equipment. Atmosphere can be easily demonstrated with low-key lighting, an effective choice of a simple setting and some well-chosen diegetic and non-diegetic sound.


I will be targeting the teenager demographic, aged between 16 and 25. This will allow me to focus on the demographic where thriller and drama is most relevant. This also will allow me to focus my product on a wide demographic who have the most interest in the genre. I will make sure to keep the audience attention. This might include the use of jump scares, mise-en-scene relating to knives and the use of special effects, and music appropriate to genre.


In order to achieve a professional  film opening I will need to develop my camerawork. I have limited experience at the moment in the editing so I will be practising lots with Final Cut Pro X, iMovie and also Garage Band so that I can achieve an original piece of music. I will be using the school’s cameras to produce the work and the school Macs to edit.


To accompany my film opening I will be carrying out a variety of research including watching and annotating screenshots of existing films. All of this work will be presented on my Wix website which is set up as a blog.

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